Thoughts, ideas and opinions on all things software strategy, design, and development – from the emerging tech experts at Revelry

Gerard Ramos Accepted into Forbes Technology Council
Gerard Ramos, founder and CEO of Revelry Labs has been accepted into the Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and…

Coding Creativity 05: Platform Revolution with Geoff Parker
We chat with Geoff Parker. professor of management science at Tulane University and the co-author of Platform Revolution.

Coding Creativity 04: The Product Designer’s Role With Ryan Freitas
A conversation with Ryan Freitas, director of product design at uber, about the role of the product designer and ‘opinionated products.’

5 Task Prioritization Strategies for Getting Out of the Weeds
I’ve learned, as an engineer at Revelry, that these wait-mares from my time in the service industry have actually helped to prepare me for the moments it feels like I am crashing and burning in glorious fashion.

How Collision Conference Came To New Orleans
How it all started: Collision Conference 2016 was an epic hit, and this is the email that kicked it off.

Google Maps React Component in ES6
This purpose of this article is simply to give an up-to-date example of a React Google Maps component using ES6.

Getting Things Done (GTD) with the Multi-Inbox Powerful Sweep
My History with Getting Things Done I’d like to share a technique I use to keep organized and reduce my anxiety about my todo…

Using Null to Write Better Sass Mixins
Use null values in your Sass mixin to erase the style properties you don’t need.

Free SSL Quickly and Easily with Dokku and Let’s Encrypt
Putting Dokku and Let’s Encrypt together only takes 3 commands and is probably the fastest way to deploy SSL on any platform. This extremely short guide assumes a working dokku v0.4.0+ setup.

Using the 5 Whys Approach for Your Startup
To determine the root cause of an effect or problem, the 5 Whys approach encourages a deep dive by simply asking “why” to the answer of a succession of questions.

Can we Meet Up in Austin at SXSW?
Our main gathering is the 8th Annual Downtown NOLA Party, on Monday, March 14. It jumps off at the Lucky Lounge at 9:00 PM with live music by Big Sam’s Funky Nation.

Apprenticeship: Workspace Essentials to Round Out the Learning Process
“There’s nothing you can’t do if you get the habits right.” I’d like to highlight the workspace essentials, processes, and resources that have been most useful in my learning process as an apprentice engineer.

Duck, Duck, Ruby: Duck Typing in Ruby
The implementation of the Ruby language is built using duck typing and it would seem wise to build our Ruby applications in that way.

My Vim Setup
I use relatively few plugins and try to keep my VIM environment as simple as possible. Here are the plugins I really like for a simple vim setup.

React Testing with Jasmine: A Simpler Way
You might want to avoid Jest if you don’t need its features, don’t like its conventions, or if Jest is incompatible with your other tools. If you choose not to use Jest, you can use Jasmine directly instead.
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