Nix: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Today we explore Nix, a purely functional package manager. Why Nix? Joe Armstrong, one of the creators of Erlang, once described Erlang as the…
Programming content on the Revelry Blog: Navigate our lab notes by using the tag system.
Today we explore Nix, a purely functional package manager. Why Nix? Joe Armstrong, one of the creators of Erlang, once described Erlang as the…
“Imagine you have a toolbox. A set of tools, looks okay, standard stuff in there. You pull out a screwdriver, you see it’s one…
Once he wrote his own implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, Jonathan finally felt like a real programmer. He continues to apply this tactic when learning a new language or library. Here, he shares the results of using it on Ramda.
Jason had a theory: He dislikes abbreviations and acronyms, ambiguity and magic. And he likes explicitness and clarity. So he wondered why some code naming conventions seem to punish verbosity (when it’s required) and what this all has to do with language naming conventions.
Here at Revelry we have looked to automating our deploy process to save time by cutting down on some of those manual actions. Enter fastlane. Fastlane is a collection of tools that can be used to develop what they call “lanes” that define a build and deployment pipeline.
Don’t use JSON as a configuration file format, unless you have to. Here are all the reasons why – and what to use instead.
Putting Dokku and Let’s Encrypt together only takes 3 commands and is probably the fastest way to deploy SSL on any platform. This extremely short guide assumes a working dokku v0.4.0+ setup.