Vim + VS Code = <3
Choosing a text editor is a personal thing, but here’s how using Vim with VS Code has made me a very happy software engineer.
Choosing a text editor is a personal thing, but here’s how using Vim with VS Code has made me a very happy software engineer.
You’re not alone. Jason has a lot of smart friends who are into cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. And he wanted to know what it is to get excited about, because blockchain technology is about to change everything.
You’ve tested. You’ve deployed. Your work is out in the wild. Then – WHAT IS THAT on your bug report? Oh… You have users on Internet Explorer. Jason shares how to test using Windows Virtual Machine on the MacBook.
Review your own code first before sending it for peer reviews. Here’s how to change the lens through which you’re inspecting your code.
If you write tests after you wrote the code, it’s hard to be 100% the tests are legit… If they wouldn’t have failed without the code you just wrote, they’re basically useless.
Jason says, “Revelry has always been on my radar as a company that works for the community and hires amazing people.”