Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we’ve added over 300 new emoji since our last blog post! And without further ado, here’s the new collection of some of our best Slack emoji. Because how are you even doing business without them?
When You Need to Express Your Level of Thinking
The last edition went heavy on the Party Parrot theme. This time, we’re all about the thinking face. Because let’s face it, we’re all a bunch of pretty hard thinkers, and we need several different slack emoji to capture the full nuance of all the different modes of thinking we do.
:rock-think: Can you smell what The Rock is thinking?
:thinkonk: When you maybe sort of think?
:think: When you maybe sort of think, but not really?
:thonk-intense: When you really maybe sort of think, but not really?
:upsidedown-think: When you’re thinking, but need a new perspective.
:yawn-think: When it’s early, but you still need to think.
:thinking-hand: When you need a hand thinking.
:think-all-the-way-down: When your thinking is layered.
:realism-think: When you need to think realistically.
:recursive-think: When you think of a problem as a combination of smaller problems.
:cool-think: When you need to think, but you’re feeling cool about it.
:spinthink: When you’re thinking in cirlces.
:hyperspinthink: When you’re thinking in circles, but really fast.
:cry_think: When you’re thinking, but also need a good cry.
:cubism_think: When your thinking isn’t constrained by archaic concepts like perspective.
:party_think: When you’re thinking, and it’s a party.
:pride_think: LGBTQIA+ thinking.
:think-but-yeah: Thinking from the other side.
:thinking_hard: You fool, I’m not even using 5% of my think.
:thinkeyes: When you’re looking at something and thinking.
:100-think: When you’re thinking, but also keep it 💯
:jeff-think: When thinking “finds a way”.
:snake-think: Kept you thinking, huh?
:think-snake: Excellent, age hasn’t slowed you down one bit.
:pants-think: When you’ve got your thinking pants on.
:mullet-think: When your mullet game is strong and you’re thinking.
:pooh-think: Oh bother, what was I thinking about again?
When You’re Thinking About Lunch Already
We all have those days when lunch is already on our minds an hour in. Here’s a few slack emoji to help your taste buds do the talking.
:acaibowl: Yummy, healthy breakfast or meal
:avo: Avocado. Lunch. Food.
:bagel: Bagel sounds yum!
:Mcdonalds: When you’re feeling like some Mickey D’s
:nachos: My old drinking buddy
:psl: When it’s time for a pumpkin spice latte
:pizza_love: For the pizza-sized hole in your heart
:popeyes: Love that chicken from Popeyes
:fried_chicken_biscuit: When it’s fried chicken sandwich day
:chicken_nuggz: When nothing else will do
:cholula: If you like it extra spicy
:goldfish: The snack that smiles back
:la-croix: When water isn’t good enough
:cupcake: Sometimes you just need one
:waffle: Chicken and…
When You’re Ready To Celebrate
You can never have enough slack emoji to help you celebrate your wins or let others know it’s time to party!
:hurray: Whoop whoop!
:champagne-cheers: When you’ve got something to celebrate
:micdrop: When they aren’t ready for the truth
:10-4: That’s right, partner
:1000: 100×10
:air_punch: Alright!
:dancing_hotdog: Remember him?
:fieri-chef-kiss: Italian chef, but Guy Fieri
:hero: Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
:lisa-dancing: Celebrate with Lisa Simpson
:ohyeah: When it’s exciting enough to bust through a wall
:panda-dance: Pandas love to dance too
:party_bus: Hop on the party bus
:party_dead: Death by party
:party_gopher: Party like a gopher
:party_k8s: Kubernetes party time
:party_stub: I’m at a good stopping point, time to party
:party_wizard: You are a wizard. And you can party.
:pie-yow: Pie-Yow Comme Ca! (if you don’t know, Google it)
:yaaaaay: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
When Things Aren’t Going So Well…
It happens to the best of us. Not every day can be sunshine and rainbows, so here’s some slack emoji to help you be in your feelings.
:ohno: When something isn’t quite right.
:angry-point: The client asking when deploy is happening
:cat-salad: CI taking its dear sweet time
:guillotine: On the chopping block.
:shifty: Sure…
:biting_nails: When you’re on the edge of your seat.
:wah: Wah!
:old_man_yells_at_cloud: When you’re angry at the cloud.
:lisa_judging: What did you just say?
:lolcry: When something’s ironically funny that it’s actually just sad
:facemelt: Pretty much explains itself
:coolcry: When you’re cool but you also need a good cry
:healupbud: Hope you feel better soon!
:rolls_eyes: Ugh
:mario-question: Why though
Even MOAR Party Parrot Emoji
We love the party parrots in our office, so of course we’re including more of our favorites (and a few original). You can find EVEN MOAR than these at Cult of the Party Parrot.
:coffee_parrot: When you’ve had too much cold brew
:deploy_parrot: Ready to deploy!
:confused-parrot: When you forgot you’re partying like a parrot
:harry-potter-parrot: When you’re a Harry Potter… parrot??
:love-parrot: When you’re in love but have to keep partying
:popcorn-parrot: Munching on popcorn and partying
:birthday-parrot: When it’s your birthday and want to party like a parrot
:sushi-parrot: When you need sushi to party
:dark_mode_parrot: A party parrot to match your theme
:tiedye-parrot: Tie-dye and party
When You’re in New Orleans
Our main office is in New Orleans, and we’re proud of our city! Whether you’re located in New Orleans, visiting for Mardi Gras, or just want to express yourself New Orleans-style, here are some great custom Slack emoji for you!
:504: When you’re from the 504
:beads: Throw me something mister!
:mardi-gras-parrot: This parrot is ready to Mardi!
:king-cake: When someone brings one to the office… :heart-eyes:
:snoball: Summertime means sweet icy treats
:hurricane: Don’t have more than one at Pat O’s…
When You’re a Rocker Emoji
If you’d rather be at a Grateful Dead [or any] concert than working, these are the perfect slack emoji for you.
:phish: Also works if you fell victim to a phishing scam
:rolling-stones: I can’t get no!
A Few More Misc. Emoji To Help You Express Yourself
Warning: some of these may be inside jokes. But we hope you find them fun and useful regardless.
:1099: This work is for the contractors
:about: High five, Canadian style!
:baby-yoda: The cutest little baby to ever wield the force
:Mandalorian: Sworn to protect :baby-yoda:
:beard: For Movember and beyond
:blocker: Blocking and tackling
:brb: Be Right Back
:eyes2: Looking, but in the other direction
:frozen: Either your office is freezing and your fingers are number, or your computer or zoom froze
:furby: Nostalgia for these creepy toys
:jamming: Jammin to some good tunes while cranking out work.
:lizzo: When you’re 100% that bitch
:mindblown: Woah
:monkas: Hmmm
:monkey_look_away: I know nothing…
:no_php: Nah
:pairing: When two team members screenshare to work together
:paul_giamatti: When you’re a fan of Sideways and Billions
:pizza-cry: Diets suck.
:same: Literally, same
:squiddab: Dabbing like Squidward
:steve_harvey_pika: Not creepy at all…
:stretch-cat: Streeeeeetching
:surprised_pikachu: Never enough Pikachu emoji
:thankyou: Self-explanatory. Super useful.
:this-caret: Used to point at the previous message
:thread: Starting a thread? Say it with an emoji.
:two-cents: When you’re giving someone your two cents
:word: For non-Millennials, this means ‘agreed’
:yw: You’re welcome. Reference from the Disney movie Moana
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