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Apple’s “Sign In with Apple” feature recently caught my eye; it allows users to sign into apps without sharing their personal email addresses. Intrigued by the potential benefits (highlighted below), I decided to explore how to integrate the feature into a React app.

Why Apple Sign In

Privacy and Security Considerations: One of the things I like most about “Sign In with Apple” is the enhanced privacy it offers. Apple’s commitment to user privacy is well-known, and this feature aligns with that philosophy. By using “Sign In with Apple,” users can avoid sharing their personal email addresses directly with third-party apps, reducing the risk of data breaches and spam. It also gives users full control over their email addresses, allowing deletion when they aren’t required anymore. No longer are the days of unsubscribing to garbage promotional email.

Additionally, Apple handles the authentication process behind the scenes, ensuring that the user’s credentials are protected. This can provide a more secure experience compared to traditional username and password-based authentication methods. Personally, I have a few single use, high-level passwords, and I have some garbage passwords I give repeatedly to lower tier sites. This means I don’t have to remember which lower tier password I used and what security preferences the site enforces (special characters, uppercase letters, etc.). It also eliminates the need to type in a password at all. And Apple Sign In is shared through the apple keychain, which makes it available on my computer, too.

Customizing the Sign-In Flow: While the default “Sign In with Apple” button provides a simple and straightforward way to authenticate users, it’s possible to customize the appearance and behavior of the button to match an app’s design. This helps developers create a seamless and branded user experience.

Handling Multiple Apple Accounts: If a user has multiple Apple accounts, they can choose which one to use for authentication. This flexibility can be especially helpful for users who manage separate accounts for personal and professional purposes.

An Initial Challenge: Apple Developer Documentation

My first step toward integrating the Apple Sign On into a React app was to dive headfirst into Apple’s developer documentation. I thought it would be a straightforward process, but quickly realized the documentation was both dense and highly technical. The steps involved in setting up “Sign In with Apple” seemed complex, and I found myself struggling to understand certain concepts.

Changing Course: Outside Engineering Resources

After a few hours of pouring over the documentation, I realized I needed a different approach and decided to look for online tutorials and guides. Success! I discovered several resources that broke down the process into smaller, more manageable steps. Here’s one I found especially helpful on Medium.

Apple Sign In: Key Steps

Here’s a breakdown of the primary steps involved in integrating “Sign In with Apple” into a React app, along with some of the challenges I encountered:

  1. Apple Developer Account: The first step was to sign up and pay for an Apple Developer Account ($99/yr). This is required to access the necessary tools and resources.
  2. Certificates and Identifiers: Once the account was set up, I had to create a App ID, Bundle ID, and Service ID to configure “Sign In with Apple.” This involved generating certificates and adding domain names.
  3. Next.js Configuration: Since I used Next.js for my React app, I had to configure it to handle the authentication flow with Apple. This involved setting up environment variables and using the next-auth library.
  4. Client-Side Implementation: On the client side, I implemented the “Sign In with Apple” button using the appropriate JavaScript libraries. This involved handling the callback URL and processing the authentication response.

Another Challenge and An Important Reminder

Another challenge I faced in implementing Apple’s feature into a React application was understanding the nuances of the Apple developer portal and the specific requirements for “Sign In with Apple.” The process can be quite intricate, and it’s easy to get lost in the technical details.Through this challenge (and the ones that preceded it), I was reminded of a valuable lesson about the importance of seeking external resources when facing technical challenges. Tutorials and guides – along with doing what we do at Revelry on a regular basis: pairing with another software developer – can provide invaluable insights and practical advice to help get you where you want to go.

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