Apprentice to CTO in 7 Years
Nick Schello, Revelry’s Chief Technology Officer, began his career here as a software engineer in our apprentice program in 2014. After seven and a…
Nick Schello, Revelry’s Chief Technology Officer, began his career here as a software engineer in our apprentice program in 2014. After seven and a…
If you have ever done mobile development in React Native, chances are you have used a TextInput. And, you’ve probably also used the numerical version of TextInput to create a numerical keypad.
Here at Revelry we have looked to automating our deploy process to save time by cutting down on some of those manual actions. Enter fastlane. Fastlane is a collection of tools that can be used to develop what they call “lanes” that define a build and deployment pipeline.
I’ve learned, as an engineer at Revelry, that these wait-mares from my time in the service industry have actually helped to prepare me for the moments it feels like I am crashing and burning in glorious fashion.
There are a lot of resources out there, and a lot of different ways to leverage the Facebook API. Here’s a look at the process to get up and running as a developer.
You never know what you’ve got until… you get a new computer. Since I’ve recently gone through the process, I’d like to share a couple of my favorite applications.